Sunday, August 13, 2017

Have An Apple On Me


Mother always said not to accept treats from strangers. But this beautiful lady in the woods gazed at him from icy blue eyes, rose colored lips and such an innocent visage, he couldn't see any harm in just one apple. "take a bite, my Lord", she said while maintaining that sweet look upon her face. He didn't see the smile as it sickened and twisted, the gleam in her eyes as he bit into the forbidden fruit....

 7 Deadly s{K]ins is having a special August event called Harvest Days. During this event, their VIPs are being gifted skins via an advent calendar. A FREE skin each day for men and women. This skin I have on is Babet, the skin for Day 11. It is an Omega based Head applier in the tones of  Taupe, Almond, Apricot, Caramel, Chestnut, Cotton, Hazel, Marshmallow, Pineapple, Snow, Walnut freckled and non freckled Omega face appliers.  I am wearing the Snow tone with Maitreya body and LAQ ~ Mesh head Trinity 1.5. There are matching Omega body appliers available at main store.

 * Inkheart * is participating in The Hard Catch Hunt July 16-August 31and has set out the alluring Astral eyes as a gift. These come in two tones, sky and wood. They include 4 sizes, system and mesh eyes.

!!Firelight!! has a lovely hair on special this week. Hubble is on sale for only 55L per color set. Each color set has 2 huds: 1 for choosing between 12 textures and the other is a color wheel so you can tint the hair. Comes in Blonds, Blacks, Browns, Reds, Essentials, Colors (bright fantasy colors), Pastels and a fatpack. This sale will not last long so go snatch up some great hair now at an amazing price.

ChicModa designed the Mae Choker that I am wearing as a gift that was at Cosmopolitan's 5th anniversary. The event has ended.

Sn@tch designed the sexy Aster Bustier Gown which is one of the items in their Riot Vendors this week. The more folks you invite to come stand by the vendors with you, the lower the price. This rigged mesh gown comes in 10 sizes, sheer and solid skirt versions and a hud containing 16 color versions.

Indulge Temptation has an exclusive item at The Avenue August 1-20 The  Sauda Earrings are 100% unrigged mesh, resizable, HUD driven with a texture hud containing 10 metal options, 8 up to 11 + 51 gem color versions, depending on the package you choose. There are 6 packages with options as follows:  1st - 5th packages with 10 metal options and 51 + 8 gem color versions, 6th package has 10 metal options and 51 + 11 gem color versions. Each package is set at a special price for only 78L during the event.

Dark Passions created the lovely Lorna’s Leaves nail appliers as another exclusive for the  Mesh Body Addicts Fair Aug 1 – 21, 2017. . It includes a 6 texture hud, 3 patterns with and without solid tips. Appliers are available for Slink, Maitreya and Omega hands which can be purchased separately or together in a fat pack. Not included in the fatpack but also available are appliers for the Astralia Stilleto nails.

.:Joplino:. created the fantastic pose set called Apple as an exclusive at Fable2 August 5-26. This contains 5 poses with apple prop.

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