Monday, April 24, 2017

Here Be Dragons

Hidden within the foliage on the beach is a well kept secret born of legends. The villagers will tell you stories of their treasured dragons, but woe to any who seek to harm these creatures. Punishment for doing so is death, quick and painful. Few have seen these creatures and those who have are rumored to be blessed indeed. 

Keeping her baby close to her and safe, this mother dragon shows the universal bond of a mother's love for their offspring. A rare scene to ever come across, only the purest of the pure have ever managed to come this close. 

Beyond Majestic created the heartwarming item called,  Oasis of wonders untold: DeeDee love. Resizeable fireflies swirl around close to this limited edition item - only 50 will be sold at the Fantasy Faire 2017 April 20-30th.
 This item along with other Relay For Life items by the designer hold a special story as mentioned here by the designer: "Side note, you will notice many of the RFL items at the Beyond Majestic booth this year are named DeeDee or Diane. This is in honour of my Mother who passed away June 2013 from Colon Cancer. Dennis is named after my uncle who passed away 2010 From Leukemia. Elaine is for my aunt who was found to have Breast cancer this last year but is in remission. This year we honor my family members who lost the brave battle and those still battling. RFL will always mean something to Dragon and myself."

The Beyond Majestic fair store can be found on the Fallen Sands sim.

 There is the sweet little dragon they call Arwen who takes a nap with her little stuffed animal by the sea shore. Hidden within the reeds she is kept a careful on upon by the dragons' caretaker. 
This adorable item called, Oasis of wonders untold: Arwen's nap, comes with resizeable light branches that turn on and off by touch, along with animated butterflies. Another one of the items at the Fantasy Faire 2017 designed by Beyond Majestic

Also by Beyond Majestic is the lovely Oasis of harmony: Peaceful lantern. Animated butterflies & breeze enabled branches adorn this beautiful garden item. Another item you can find at the Fantasy Faire 2017

 A wonderful place to sit and relax is the Overgrown Hideaway by Touryuumon also for the Fantasy Faire 2017.  Keep very still, you might catch a glimpse of those dragons!This great item will fit within any garden and provide a place for conversation and rest. 

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