The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt has started and there are sooo many goodies there for you! Not only are there special items on each cart, plus 10L gifts, there is also a 2L treasure hunt! Lots of great stuff to be had but some fantastic designers. Check out the great picture on the wall, only 10L, and then the fantastic jellyfish lamps, the treasure chest and bottle as well. And this sweet looking dress is also an item in the cart sale. The makeup, nose piercing, and mouth jewelry all items in the cart sale. The nails I am wearing are handdrawn art. Come check it out! The shoes I am wearing are for another event which is opening on July 18th, called Walk the Night With Me, it's a Gothic Wedding Event put on by Hidden Sanctuary Events. They come in several colors and are fitted for Slink High Feet. I am totally in love with them. The skin I am in is by 7 Deadly Skins and is a Marketplace special, the price is great and it comes with a multitude of appliers! 

Alyssa Pose Set
Hello Tuesday
by Chiana Oh
2L Hunt Item - 'Yo-ho-ho!'
Free (end of hunt) Item: 'Thar Be Treasure!'
10L Item: An Octopus's Garden
NEW Items: 'Jellyfish Lamps'
2L Hunt Item - 'Yo-ho-ho!'
Free (end of hunt) Item: 'Thar Be Treasure!'
10L Item: An Octopus's Garden
NEW Items: 'Jellyfish Lamps'
The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt
Clothing & Accessories-
Cupcake Clothing
Sea Foam Polka Dot Tank Dress with Belt vendor
The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt
Beyond Persuasion
Nocturnal enchanment
{Slink/Maitreya} Gatcha 2 RARE
Hidden Sanctuary: Walk the Night With Me
MumuHime Clothing
Starfish Nose Piercing HC+MHP_
(( This is the treasure ))
The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt
Dolphin Mouth Piece
(( Main Item on Cart!))
The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt
The Sea Is Calling Lipgloss{Full Appliers)
Each applier is sold as singles with tattoo layers. Each are 10L
a pack for this event. Hand drawn artwork
a pack for this event. Hand drawn artwork
The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt
MumuHime Clothing
Sea Deep~Slink Nails
((2L Hunt Item! Hint: "You've completely RUIN-ed my day." ))
The Under the Sea Cart Sale and Treasure Hunt
Muse (Riot) // Chapter I : Earth
7 Deadly s{K}ins
Contains 2 skins with and 2 skins without freckles
Tango applier, PhatAzz applier, TMP applier, Maitreya applier, EVE
applier and Slink appliers
Tango applier, PhatAzz applier, TMP applier, Maitreya applier, EVE
applier and Slink appliers
Mon Cheri
"Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes with HUD - Pack1
Mesh Body - Lara
AvEnhance Feet Female High
AvEnhance Hands Female - Elegant
"Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes with HUD - Pack1
Mesh Body - Lara
AvEnhance Feet Female High
AvEnhance Hands Female - Elegant
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