Tossed on this great outfit and hair by Tameless so that I could do some more exploring. This time, I went over to the Little Sideshow sim to check things out. Lots of great places for pictures here and shopping too of course. This outfit comes with the arm bracers, shoes and collar and is called Sassy Girl. It comes in Black, Teal and Red. It also comes with appliers for Slink, Baby Bump, TMP and Omega. The hair is called Celine. It comes in fades, fantasy and naturals and is adjustable. I'm wearing some adorable kitty headphones made by Lady Channing, they come in ten different colors, and I love them all. The skin I am wearing is created by 7 Deadly Skins and called Gwen. It is available right now at a discounted price at Room 69. |
The nails I am wearing are part of the Apply Your Body Hunt and are FREE. They are created by Hello Dave and called Easter Sweets . Here's a little closer look at the bracer and shoes included with the outfit. |
The back of this outfit is laced up and very very cute. And the eyes I am wearing are by Oceane, they were a group gift as well so FREE. Alright, well off to do more shopping an explore. Bye for now! |
Location-The Little Sideshow - Shopping District
Poses-Vestige Lolla 1
Clothing & Accessories-
Miss Canning :: [ Kitty HeadPhones ] 10 Colors Pack!
Tameless Sassy Girl Outfit - Red
Body Stuff-
Hello Dave - Easter Sweets Slink Nail Appliers - A.Y.B.H.
Tameless Hair Celine - Mega Pack
7 Deadly s{K}ins - Gwen@
Room 69
*Liquid eyes by
Oceane-Groupgift 3tonesBlueGreen
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