Some great stuff in today's blog. First off an adorable outfit by Beautiful Dangerous just in time for the holidays |
It comes with a hud and several different textures which you can switch to. It's like a week's worth of outfits in one! |
These pictures were taken on the beautiful Just Another Tequila Sunrise sim
Outfit- ! BD ! Holidayz [Hudpack]
Shoes-!TLB - Vixen Slink Heels/Red
Nails- -{ZOZ}- Angel Polish - (Slink)
Skin- 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Christmas PATIENCE v1 Special Edition- Transferable
Hair- TRUTH HAIR Wanda - light browns
Eyes- ::DS:: Destiny Violet Eyes - 12 Days of Christmas In store event- FREE
Love it, your doing so good!!!