The sounds of the waves crashing against the docks and seabirds flying above, greeted the woman they all called Bell. A mysterious sort, always carrying about some dog or other animal, she lived at the edge of town beside the treeline to the forests, a solitary sort, though friendly enough. Some whispered that she was actually a witch, others said she was just a simple healer that wished to be left alone to her herbs and prayers. Whomever she was, she was home from whatever travels had taken her abroad.
This great outfit by Facepalm and hair by HeadDesk are available at October's Round of The Alchemy which opens on the 1st. The style accompanied by a wonderful skin from 7 Deadly Skins and eyes by IKON.

Poses & Props
Illegally Blonde
My Attic
Clothing & Accessories
Alchemy Bell
Exclusive for
Exclusive for
The Alchemy
Body Stuff
!Head Desk!
Bell Hair Special Edition
Exclusive for
Exclusive for
The Alchemy
7 Deadly s{K}ins
CHASTITY Pineapple MU03 cleavage
All the Major Body appliers are available in store at 7 Deadly
s{K}ins for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, TMP, Banned Lena etc....
Odyssey Eyes - Emerald
Mon Cheri
"Falsies" Mesh Alpha Lashes with HUD - Pack1
Mesh Body - Lara
Love N Lust
Omega System Kit - Maitreya v.1.0
AvEnhance Hands Female - Elegant
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