"And shepherds we shall be.
For Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand.
That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee.
And Teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti."
-The Boondock Saints
Out looking for those badguys just like my boys, the Boondock Saints
did! For this I had to make sure I had the right type of outfit on. So I
had my nails painted by Deeses with a texture available at Gatcha
Mania, Hair by Olive, from the Arcade, and great poses with gun props by
Verocity for the upcoming Luck of the Irish Gatcha Event. This outfit I
have on, pants and shirt are also prizes from the Luck of the Irish
Gatcha Event and are designed by Toxic H. I am combing through the
streets of the Cleavage sim in my trusty er...ummm golf cart. The skin I
am wearing is called Gwen and available this round at Room 69 for only
169L. Hey a girl has to look sexy while out saving the city, now doesn't she? More poses from Verocity's Boomdock Saints poses for ya. |
Check out my shoes! These are one of my favorite pairs and are designed by Shovelheads.The simply add to the badass look |
Well, I got them and have a mound of money for the poor, another days work done YAY! See you again soon! |
http://depravednation.com/archives/event/luck-of-the-irish-gacha-fair |
Location-Cleavage Sim
Poses-Verocity - Boomdock Saint for
Luck of the Irish Gacha Begins March 10th
Clothing & Accessories-
:*:ShOvElHeAdS:*: Patty Slink Heels
*ToXiC*H* Jeans & Delicious Top With Appliers RARE @
Luck of the Irish Gacha Begins March 10th
TGM: Deesses: Slink - nails - Spring #11 @
Gatcha Mania
Hair- .Olive. the Daisy Hair - Dark Fades @
Mesh Body- Slink Physique Mesh Body
7 Deadly s{K}ins - Gwen@
Room 69
Poetic Colors eyes by LL - bright - caribbean sea
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