Coming up on March 17th is Saint Patrick's Day,. and to start the celebrations off right, I have a bunch of wearin o' the green for you! This great outfit is designed by Physco clothing and comes complete with the necklace and shoes. It is mesh and comes in the standard sizes, the shoes are Slink High compatible. The great neails I am wearing are for a hunt called Clever Clover hunt which Nail Me is participating in. They have little clovers on them and are just perfect for the holiday. Best of all they are only 1L! They are compatible for Slink and for Omega. |
Oldies but goodies are these eyes by Blah Blah Blah, shamrock hat by Gumi's Bad Box, and eye glasses by~*Crossroad Dreams*~ Which apparently has closed, owned by Lexa Rivera/ The props I am using are created by hate this and Otentika.
http://apply-your-body-hunt.blogspot.com/ |
Poses- Otentika- (O) St Patrick - Sexy shamrock seatfor pinup
[hate this] - Neon Shamrock Wall Clock
Clothing & Accessories-
Gumi's Bad Box -Lucky Shamrock(resizable)
Physco Clothes Lucky
Body Stuff-
Nail Me!} CCH-Emerald Isle-Slink/Omega Nail Appliers for
Clever Clover Hunt
7Deadly s[K]ins - Temperance SHAPE2 for Skin Fair 2015 March 13-29th
blah.BLAH.blah Shamrock Eyes
SOUL - HAIR - Ammolite - 12 Nuances - Browns Set 1
7 Deadly s{K}ins - Gwen @
Room 69
Weaponized Sugar :{WS}: Kawaii Blush - Cherry Bomb (RR) for
Apply Your Body Hunt
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