I was honored to be accepted into this fantastic group called We Love to Blog, and there are so many fun and wonderful things to see and events to explore going on right now. Such as this great table and chair, In real life, my mother owned one of these and I absolutely loved it. Now I get to enjoy it in second life thanks to the talented designer, Kaerri. These are available at mainstore and Casa for an intro price of 300L for the set. In the picture I am wearing a great skin by 7 Deadly Skins, which happens to be this month's group gift. So if you are a group member, you can get this lovely skin for FREE. And if you aren't a member, you can purchase it for only 150L. My eyes are created by PSYCHO:Byts and even though they are called dog eyes, I really do like them. The hair I am wearing comes with the hat and is designed by Tameless, this was a special in the Hipster fair and is now available in the main store! |
I have on a sprinkling of freckles which were designed by Asset, they are of course unisex and come in a tattoo layer with three choices, light, intense and medium. My necklace, bracelet and earrings were created by the talented designer at Glint and come as a set. They are being sold at the Olala event right now. The shoees I am wearing are sold by gem color and have 14 leather and 4 heel colors via HUD each. The shoes are materials enabled for an almost real look. The heels are on sale at the WEIB Special Sale Room until the end of February. They are 210 L there at 30% off and will be 300 L later at the store. The nails I have on are created by *Most* for the Apply Your Body Hunt, which is a FREE hunt, so be sure to snatch them up. |
This great chair has so many wonderful different positions to it. It's just a bunch of fun. And the outfit I am wearing is a combination of separates from two different designers. The shirt is designed by Asset and comes in two different appliers, for Slink and Maitreya. And the pants I am wearing are designed by Deathrocker Betty Crocker. They are mesh and come in the standard sizes and fit with pretty much every look. Especially those great rockabilly tops. |
I hope you enjoyed my little review and shall see you next time!! Thanks for reading my blog |
Props- Kaerri Rattan Peacock Chair and Side Table
Pose- double take: off balance - all the things
Clothing & Accessories-
*Preptopia* for
WEIB Newport Heels for Slink High- Colors of the Sea
.:Glint:. Heavenly skies - white
Deathrocker Betty Crocker ::drbc:: cuffed capris - blue jeans
Body Stuff-
7 Deadly s{K}ins - MARCH group skin GIRLS/15
*MoSt* Pretty Polka Nails For Apply Your Body Hunt 0L
Tameless Hair Stevie - Fades
Asset < Freckle Me (unisex)
PSYCHO:Byts}. Dog Eyes - Blue
Lovely post, you could spend a couple days visiting and getting lost in all those sales :P