This amazing driveable car is created by Fisty of FFM, creator of great cars, trucks, and motorcycles. This is the first in this series of vehicles, called Satan Mopar. | | |
This incredible skin and shape are creations of 7 Deadly Skins. The skin is part of an instore bi-weekly event called [B] UniQue and only 150L during that time. This is an amazing price for this quality of skin, which carries a guarantee of original work with it. After the two weeks are up, a new skin is presented for the next round and the previous one will be marked up to regular price or may even vanish completely. I put on an outfit created by the talented Boo of Shovelheads, it comes in several color choices and I'll show you another color in a moment, along with some more vehicles by Fisty :) The shoes come from Blackburn and were a great accompaniment to this outfit. You can wear the jacket with or without the shirt as well. |
This awesome truck is another in the Satan series by Fisty's F Motors. It is called FFM Satan Truck and amazing detail to it, even the interior, just blew me away, even down to the license plate, he does an amazing job. |
Last but certainly not least is the FFM Slam Bagger Satan by Fisty's motors. Realistic, highly detailed and sounds fantastic! This is easily my favorite of the three. All are available at Fisty's shop or on marketplace as well. Also in this picture is the outfit by Shovelheads in another color example. This is really a great outfit and also another creator with a fantastic attention to details. Be sure to look them all up! |
Taken at-
NFMC and Unforgiven NationPoses- //
elephante poses// Mr. Charm *2 Year Bday Gift*
Prop- FFM Satan Mopar, FFM Satan Truck & FFM Slam Bagger Satan by
Fisty's Motors
Marketplace link
YouTube link
ShOvElHeAdS:*:Storm Rage 302 Mesh Several color choices
Blackburns Tuff Boots Mens Black
Body Stuff-
Soulglitter* Eyes DARK
7 Deadly s{K}ins - Sammael DEF
TRUTH HAIR Tom - black & whites
7 Deadly s{K}ins - Romein for [B] UniQue Event
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