Sunday, December 15, 2019


 Shopping List

(Sponsors in Bold Print)

Go&See * Trina * Pale ~ 
Catwa Applier and also includes BOM layers

Mesh Body Parts:
Catwa - Catya head
 Maitreya - Lara body, hands, and feet.

Facet Originals - Vivian shape
This was created for the Catwa Catya head and on sale at The Naughty List 4 December 14 - 31

The Little Bat - Hudson Eyes
Mesh eyes with HUD,  plus Omega, Lelutka, and Catwa appliers


.EscalateD. - Tosha 
This unrigged hair includes 2 versions (base/streak and duo), plus Style HUD with color picker and glow control for the lights. It is sold in a variety of great color packs or there is even a fatpack available. Shown here are textures from Rainbows HUD. This is on sale at The Naughty List 4 and during the event ONLY there are also special miniHUDS available for only $50L. These are not included in the regular fatpack and only available for the duration of the event.

WitchCraft - Christmas Bento Coffin Nails
These mesh nails are rigged for Belleza, Maitreya, Legacy, and Slink. They come with a texture HUD as well. A donation item at the SL Christmas Expo until December 15.


 Tooty Fruity -  Jena
 For Twe12ve This dress fits Maitreya, Freya, Venus, Isis, Physique, Ebody, TMP Original, and Tonic Fine/Curvy. It includes a texture HUD with 6 colors for Main, strings, and ruffles. On sale now at Twe12ve - Festive December 12-31

Tooty Fruity
 Tooty Fruity - Christmas sale has started and will last until the 3rd January. 25 - 75% off at the Main in world store only.
Also the Tooty Fruity group is No join fee until Jan 3rd, then it will go back to 99L$. Please let your friends know!

The Plastik - Elsah Jewelry
Unisex set which includes anklets in 2 versions,  and bracelets in 2 versions. It is resizeable, unrigged original mesh and comes with a texture HUD.

Props and Poses
Something New - Blog Me 2  
1 of 6 poses which are great for blogging!

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