Sunday, August 5, 2018

Dark and Classy

Shopping List

( sponsors in bold print)

The Plastik - Shinna Wall Decor Collection is 100% custom mesh. Copy/modify and includes the Leava panel, Cathere window, Huna panel, and Waine Wallclock.  

Dictatorshop - Chesterfield Ladies Chaise - Adult Kink Femdom v1.0. Available at the Fetish Fair where they are 20% off until 17 August  Each of the chaises has 5 leathers and 5 metal choices to best suit your decor. There is a previous release which is PG with 136 PG animation available as well. Adult Vanilla version contains all of the content in the PG version as well as sexy adult content with a total of 238 animations. The Adult Kink Femdom version is the deluxe version of the Ladies Chaise with 345 quality animations inside. It features all of the animations in the PG and AV versions of the chaise but adds over 100 FEMDOM animations making it a full featured Ladies Chaise. The Femdom menu includes tender cuddles and hanging out, as well as foot fetish, ride-on, spanking, oral and sex with a Femdom specific slant.

[TOR] SPECIAL - Light thru veins windlight

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