TYLAR’S TREASURES has another great item for us out exclusively for Twe12ve – Flowers May 12-30. The WOODLAND GLORY SWING comes in both PG and Adult versions. Both versions have texture change menu with 5 colors for the flowers and an option for no flowers. Adult version includes 8 couples cuddles + sequence, 6 couples adult + sequence and on/off by touch swinging motion. PG version has on/off swinging version and 6 couples cuddles + sequence. Also there is the WOODLAND GLORY GARDEN LANTERN. This has a by touch candle script and texture change menu with 5 colors for the flowers. Also includes an option for no flowers.
The Red Deer Herd shown here are creations by Sweet Revolution. They come complete with realistic sounds to add to the ambience of your sim or parcel.
Satomi’s 2017 Pretty Chilly windlight used
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